DDGS Dryer Manufacturers in Pune, India.

TECHPERT Process Industrieshas has technical expertise in process and mechanical design of various application Forced Circulation Evaporators. Our capacity varies from 100 liters per hour 20000 liters per hour. Force is used to drive the liquid through the evaporator tubes thus producing high tube velocities. A high efficiency circulating pump, designed for large volume and sufficient head, is used to supply the force. Proper design results in controlled temperature rise, controlled temperature difference and tube velocities that give optimum heat transfer. Forced Circulation Evaporators are recommended for viscous, scaling and salting liquids. As the liquid is only heated in the calendria with flashing taking place in the separator and no boiling taking place within the tubes, fouling on hot tube walls is reduced. TECHPERT Forced Circulation Evaporators vertical calendria. The circulating pump withdraws liquid from the lower part of the vapour-liquid separator and circulates it through the tubes at a high velocity. Boiling is suppressed in the tubes either by liquid head or an orifice plate. The heated liquid is discharged into the separator where the vapour flashes off due to the temperature difference and is removed through the top outlet. The liquid is discharged at a maintained liquid level.
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