TECHPERT Process Industries has technical expertise in process and mechanical design, manufacturing of various capacity plants for Rectified Spirit (RS), Extra Neutral Alcohol (ENA), Anhydrous Alcohol (AA) also called Fuel Ethanol or Molecular Sieve Ethanol from Sugarcane Juice. Our capacity varies from 10 KL Per Day to1250 KL Per Day. We use TEMA/ API/ DIN/ JIS standards for mechanical design and ISA / IEEE for electrical and instrumentation design. We use Bagasse + Coal + spent wash boilers so that effluent is burnt in boiler as fuel. Steam Turbine back pressure type is used to generate electricity required to operate plant. Steam exiting the turbine is used in distillation and evaporation system. Condensate after polishing is used in boiler.
- Sugarcane Handling System
- Milling & Juice Extraction
- Bagasse Handling System
- Juice Clarification and Treatment
- Fermentation
- Distillation Molecular Sieve
- Effluent treatment and disposal.
- Yeast Propagation
- Pre fermentation
- Fermentation
- Analyzer Column.
- Degasifying Column
- Pre Rectification cum stripper column
- Extractive distillation column
- Recovery Column
- Rectifier cum Exhaust Column
- Simmering Column
- Molecular Sieve Dehydration column
Spent Wash generated as effluent is concentrated in Multiple Effect Evaporator system. Concentrated Spent Wash is burnt in boiler as fuel along with bagasse or coal thus there is no disposal outside factory. This makes our distilleries as Zero.